There are seven PB courts located in CW that are owned and maintained by the Sun Lakes Homeowners Association 2 (HOA). The HOA has granted exclusive use of the PB Courts to the SLPCC as follows:
Winter Hours: October 1st-April 30th, 7AM to 2PM Monday-Friday
Summer Hours: May 1st-September 30th, 7AM to 11AM Monday-Friday
2. SHOES AND APPAREL: Non-marking flat treaded court shoes are to be worn at all times on the PB courts. Proper apparel must be worn per HOA Policy.
3. EQUIPMENT: Members must provide their own PB equipment, including pickleballs and paddles. Only pickleballs, paddles and one water container with a closed, leak-proof top may be brought into the PB courts. Other objects are not allowed on the fences or on the court surfaces within the perimeter fencing.
4. WAIVER: A waiver form must be signed or electronically acknowledged by all members and kept on file by the Membership Coordinator. This must be done by new members prior to taking lessons offered by the Club.
5. CONDUCT: Members must abide by HOA Board Policies and Rules, HOA Homeowners Code of Conduct, and SLPCC By-Laws and Rules. Abusive behavior by words or actions directed against others is
strictly prohibited.
6. GUESTS: No guests may play during SLPCC exclusive times stated above. At certain times of the year, the Board may allow guests. Guest Instructors may be invited by the Board to instruct and play with a specific level(s) during club time.
7. NO SOLICITATIONS: The SLPCC Roster, Bulletin Boards, and Meetings shall not be used for any non- SLPCC matter involving solicitations, sales or marketing purposes, or for any political or personal agendas.
8. COMMUNICATIONS: The SLPCC is an email-intensive Club and communications will be primarily conducted electronically from the Club to its members. Members are expected to check their emails and
the club website for information provided by the Club. Each member is required to maintain an individual email account to facilitate member communication and voting procedures.
A. Members must sign-up individually online on the club’s Chelsea software to play during exclusive SLPCC court time. Club members residing in the same household may sign-up each other in the proper rating and time slot. Multiple sign-ups on the same day during club time is prohibited. Properly scheduled members have absolute priority on court play.
B. Members choosing not to sign-up for playing time shall not be considered in rotational play or court priority.
C. Members must remove their reservation from the schedule if unable to play.
A. All scheduled members are entitled to play equally during their appropriate court time.
B. Members are expected to be present a minimum of 5 minutes before assigned playing time and be ready to play.
C. Scheduled players must adhere to prescribed rotational play.
D. When entering or leaving a court respect other courts playing by waiting as a group for a natural break in play before crossing such court.
E. Rude or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
F. When court limitations preclude all scheduled players from continuous play, members are limited to playing no more than two consecutive games before rotating out.
G. Non-scheduled players will not be considered in rotational considerations.
H. Courts assigned to a playing level remain reserved to that level, or individual, for the specified time and need not rotate with any dissimilar scheduled playing level.
I. Players reserving court times outside of normal playing schedules, may reserve a court for a minimum of one player only if a court is available which is not being used by the assigned playing level
J. Members of an assigned level may request other level scheduled members to play if there are no similar level players available to play and if all scheduled players on that court agree to the request.
K. Upon completion of assigned playing time all players must vacate all courts for the next scheduled players immediately when assigned time has expired.
L. Court designations that appear on the court schedule within Chelsea are simply place holders so a certain number of players can be assigned for a given time slot. They are not court “assignments”. Players signed up for a specific time slot must abide by the play and rotational process utilized that day.
11. NON-SCHEDULED PLAY: Non-scheduled players have no priority in playing and are not considered in rotational considerations. However, there may be times when playing courts are not in use
during club time. On these occasions:
A. If more than 4 non-scheduled members show up, they will need to either rotate in with the others or play 2 games and then let the next group play 2 games.
B. Non-scheduled club members have priority over non-club members during club times. Both non-scheduled club members and non-scheduled non-club players must immediately relinquish any
playing court to a scheduled member or event.
C. Cottonwood/Palo Verde non-club residents may play on any court not in use by a club member, however they must relinquish any court to a member wishing to play during club time.
12. COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS: It is an inherent responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that all members are presented equal playing opportunity and are treated with respect. As with any group, conflict occasionally arises requiring arbitration and enforcement. Members found in non-compliance with these policies will be subject to procedures outlined in Articles 13 and 14 of the Club
13. COOPERATION: Each member’s cooperation is essential in ensuring everyone has fun and an enjoyable experience with playing.
14. RULE CHANGES: Any member in good standing may submit proposals to amend the Rules. Proposals must be submitted in writing to the Board, explaining the proposed Proposal(s) and reason(s)
therefor, but only the SLPCC Board can enact changes or additions to the SLPCC Rules by a majority vote of the SLPC Board.