October 2024 Schedule Announced
Mike Anecito
Sep 17, 2024
As we FALL back to our normal 7:00 am start time, with five timeslots, we also announce a new addition to the Wednesday schedule - Ladder play!
The board has opted to keep the gender play at 7:00 am and beginning at 8:30 there will be Ladder play. These will follow a similar format to that which Jim Carlson has been using during the summer and garnering quite a bit of a buzz.
We will use the 5-Player Round Robin format. Depending on how many members sign up for each Wednesday's Ladder all the players will be assigned to a Group. The groups of 5 will then play four games, with one BYE over the course of 90 minutes, recording their results on the provided Round Robin sheets.
Based on how you play each week you should play with a different set of players each week, but also be able to be competitive as you will be playing with a group that is close to your current level of play.
Training will be on Tuesday (2.0 or 3.0) and Thursday (2.5 or 3.5) this season, at 7:00 am.
We hope that by setting Training on the same day and time of the week that everyone will be able to plan ahead.
SLPCC October 2024 Schedule