Club History
October, 2008: Recreation Committee recommends to HOA Board that Pickleball be allowed to use one tennis court two evenings a week to determine interest in the game. Had to use masking tape to line courts and then remove it and recycle tape to save on costs. Asked for donations from participants to help recover costs of tape. The Recreational Committee Purchased portable nets for this.
November, 2008: Recreation committee has David Zapatka and Greg Mather demonstrate pickleball on tennis court #5 using taped lines and a temporary net borrowed from Oakwood at the annual Cottonwood/Palo Verde Recreation Night where homeowners are introduced to the sports, games and amenities the HOA has to offer. This was a trial to see if there was any interest in pickleball. Over 70 homeowners attended the demonstration and tried the game, making the night a huge success. From this came a core group of homeowners who wanted to see pickleball brought to Cottonwood/Palo Verde. This led to temporary use of tennis court number 5. Mary Littlewood and Sandy Stultz came to our courts every other week to teach lessons on this court for the following year.
February, 2009: Sun Lakes PIckleball held its first club meeting. Also, Recreation Committee recommended pickleball be allowed to move to Sisk Park and share the parking lot until permanent courts could be built. HOA approved. HOA paid for resurfacing the lot with new blacktop and purchasing heavy duty nets. Volunteers prepared the lot by drilling holes for the poles, building the cast iron poles and assembling everything. We had to use chalk to line the courts.
May, 2009: As the Monsoon's approached, the SLPC asked the Recreation Committee to recommend to the Board to have permanent paint to line the courts. It was thought that rain would wash away the chalk and constant re-doing of the lines all summer would be needed. the HOA Board approved. Volunteers did all the work on painting the lines, buying the paint and getting access to a lining machine.
2010-2011: The Recreation Committee purchased a storage cabinet for the equipment when the courts were not in use. The club also purchased ball-stop screens to aid the players in controlling the balls. Volunteers created a method to keep them upright. Setup and take-down of the equipment was necessary on a daily basis. Hours were limited to Monday - Thursday 12:00 - 5:00 pm. The Sisk Park parking lot was not available for pickleball regularly as play was often cancelled due to the Ramada being reserved forspecial events. The process to find a location for permanent courts took on a life of its own. The Facilities & Grounds Committee reviewed 21 different locations around the CWPV community and presented these ideas and rationale to the Board. After several months the Board approved the location south of tennis court #1. The permitting process began with the county.
May, 2012: The final stages of getting the rezoning. The HOA revised their decision for the court location, developing a compromise with the tennis club to give tennis court 2 to pickleball and retrofit it for four pickleball courts. The tennis club got a new court east of court 5.
May, 2012: The final stages of getting the rezoning. The HOA revised their decision for the court location. developing a compromise with the tennis club to give tennis court 2 to pickleball and retrofit it for four pickleball courts. The tennis club got a new court east of court 5.
July, 2012: Maricopa County approved the permits.
August, 2012: Construction plans are approved by HOA.
October 15, 2012: The fences come down and constructions begins on Tennis Court 2 for four pickleball courts.
December 4, 2012: Courts are dedicated with an Open House for the HOA Board and community. A demonstration was given on how to play. Play begins for membership!
March, 2014: The 1st Annual Norris Invitational Tournament begins.The tournament is named after Maureen and Dick Norris for their unceasing efforts to get pickleball courts built in Sun Lakes. Their and many others' efforts provided the basis on which the club exitss today. Click here to see the results.
In 2016, the club added socials and fun activities which continue today. Silly prizes and fun, and sometimes outrageous, costumes are generally the order of the day for these activities:
Welcome Back, Rodeo; Tis the Season Christmas social; Cupid's Caper; Club Love Charity Social; Aloha to Summer Hawaiian style social; Ho Ho Ho December Social; Ring in the New Year Party at the Courts; End of Year Parties, and more.
In 2019 a group of homeowners started petitioning the HOA board for new courts. The pickleball club joined the effort in 2020 and in 2021 our 3 newest courts were completed.